6 Ways To Spot A Predatory Debt Consolidation Offer

The vultures appear when an animal begins to struggle. It’s the same in lending and that’s what makes debt consolidation offers so dangerous. There are trusted and wholly reliable sources that consolidate debt but there are many predatory companies who sell their service as consolidation when it’s truly debt management. Consolidation versus management Loan consolidation […]

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The Debt Collectors Won’t Stop Calling… Until You Do This

collecto collection agency

Across the country there are very strict regulations about when and how debt collectors can call individuals they believe to be in debt. Yet, debt collectors can be relentless and act outside the law, calling you at all hours of the day, threatening you and causing emotional distress to you and your family. How do […]

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UK Photographer Wins Copyright Battle Against Stock Photo Agency

Freelance photojournalist Eddie Mitchell wins settlement from UK-based image house Alamy, after the company obtained Mr. Mitchell’s aerial drone photo of a British schoolhouse fire and credited it to another photographer, and then sold the photo to news outlets for far less than Mr. Mitchell’s standard licensing rate.

By Freddy Mayhew.  Press Gazette.
